Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Far Away Centre

The Far Away Centre is open for business! I've always had the idea of using cutting-edge techniques to teach esotericism (theory and practice) in a comprehensive and well-delivered manner. So I've founded the Far Away Centre as a nascent venture on that path; offering short courses in all manner of wonderful things, including retreats here at the cottage, for those wanting to understand beyond Buffy and Charmed. I've approached WitchFest to see if they'd like me to deliver a couple of talks in Wales and the Croydon Fests this year!

Hypnotherapy Foundation Course

Well, I've just finished running the first weekend module of my NLP Magick Hypnotherapy Foundation course, with a small class here in Keswick. As far as I can tell it went excellently; the venue was fine, the lunches were excellent, and the content was jam-packed with stuff.

The main thing I learnt myself - amongst a stack of stuff - was to separate out some of the NLP terminology and introduce it with explainations where I am using it. I've got so used to - over the years - applying NLP in Hypnotherapy, I feel that NLP is my common language, and Hypnotherapy my 'learnt' language; so I tend to explain 'simply' by default using NLP, assuming, like, *everyone* knows their representation systems, etc.!

So, it gave me the idea of running more NLP 1-day Beginner Experiences. Coming Soon!!!