Sunday, March 27, 2005

An Altar for the Spring Equinox.

Used three Tarot cards for our Spring Ritual, which are those corresponding to the Hebrew letters NQPh, meaning "Circuit" (which is mis-translated as 'Equinox' in the Bible). As usual, the meanings of the cards carries significance for this time of year, dealing with transformation and change. B. suggested we put the Sun card up as well, and this works fine, particularly the one in my Gilded Deck, which shows the circuit of the Zodiac through which the Sun passes.

Here's the meditations:

Death: 'All that has happened has taught and transformed me, now I move onwards, releasing the past for the future. The Circuit is Complete and Commenced Again.'

Moon: 'In reflection, let the tide of creation carry me, in my Will combined. The Circuit is Complete and Commenced Again.'

Blasted Tower: 'And let the worn-out views of yesterday collapse about me, freeing me to see the clear paths ahead. The Circuit is Complete and Commenced Again.'

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Kontroll - An Initiatory Film (from Hungary)

Forgot to mention that one of the highlights for me at the Keswick Film Festival - other than scaring R. by jumping out of the kitchen at him after we'd both got back from watching the spooky "Tale of Two Sisters" (Korean Horror Film) - was the film, Kontroll. Filmed on the Hungarian Underground train system, on one level it's a blackly comic story of the ticket inspectors, whilst on another level it's about good vs. evil, what holds us to life, how we get trapped to our attachments and sleep-in-life, and the means of our redemption. It's a film I'm showing to people who wouldn't be able to watch the more gory "Jacob's Ladder," which is similar in many ways.

I had to get the DVD from Hungary by sending Euro notes in a sealed envelope to the website, but they sent the DVD immediately, so I was v. happy!

See for more details on any film. It's a good Film buff's resource.

Talking of which, I also watched "Raging Bull" this week, not my usual film-type, but having heard a PodCast about it, was interesting to watch the "Best American film of the 1980's" with some insight - it's a great thing when people share their passion and direct you to things that you might never have chosen for yourself, but nonetheless prove invaluable eye-openers to the Wider World.

Today's Missive - Go try Something New! Go on! You Never Know ...

Walked to Styhead on a beautiful Spring Day. This is the Stretcher box up by the Tarn (very welcome after 3 hours walking!) Posted by Hello

Imbolg Altar, with Snowdrops and glass Icicles! Posted by Hello

Work News (humble Data Analyst Makes Good)

Just news from work-life; after a gruelling one-day assessment with one colleague and three external candidates, I've been given a bit of a promotion to more responsibility. Don't know the full details yet, but according to the feedback from the "Belbin" test which formed part of the day, I'm apparently a co-ordinator ... oh hum. See