Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Kontroll - An Initiatory Film (from Hungary)

Forgot to mention that one of the highlights for me at the Keswick Film Festival - other than scaring R. by jumping out of the kitchen at him after we'd both got back from watching the spooky "Tale of Two Sisters" (Korean Horror Film) - was the film, Kontroll. Filmed on the Hungarian Underground train system, on one level it's a blackly comic story of the ticket inspectors, whilst on another level it's about good vs. evil, what holds us to life, how we get trapped to our attachments and sleep-in-life, and the means of our redemption. It's a film I'm showing to people who wouldn't be able to watch the more gory "Jacob's Ladder," which is similar in many ways.

I had to get the DVD from Hungary by sending Euro notes in a sealed envelope to the website http://www.numero7.com, but they sent the DVD immediately, so I was v. happy!

See http://www.imdb.com for more details on any film. It's a good Film buff's resource.

Talking of which, I also watched "Raging Bull" this week, not my usual film-type, but having heard a PodCast about it, was interesting to watch the "Best American film of the 1980's" with some insight - it's a great thing when people share their passion and direct you to things that you might never have chosen for yourself, but nonetheless prove invaluable eye-openers to the Wider World.

Today's Missive - Go try Something New! Go on! You Never Know ...


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