Sunday, August 14, 2005

If you ever go to Blackpool, it's not actually the Tower you should see, but the Transvestite show, 'Funny Girls'. It's the best produced, rudest, funniest, scariest, most intelligent and entertaining night out you can have, if you're in the right frame of mind. I've taken Japanese colleagues there, and they had no problem with it, but Americans for some reason really didn't seem to get it! Anyhows, the current production is a homage to HG Wells 'Time Machine', with dances and costume changes and video clips charting the rise of humanity from cavemen to the future wars and reversion back to savagery and sacrifice. Not bad for a 'tranny show'! I particularly liked the choreography to Jeff Love's 'War of the Worlds' which had the fading series of notes being matched to five dancers in black, in darkness, with lights on their heads, bowing up and down in time. For a moment, it wasn't a dingy stage in Blackpool with some dancers with headlights strapped to their heads, but something quite alien and magical. The lead dancer, 'Betty Legs Diamond' is an unrecognised genius in my view! Hurrah for people doing clever things with what they've got! Posted by Picasa


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